ErSE 212 – Geophysical Geodesy and Geodynamics
This course is an optional course within the ErSE program that reviews several geodetic measurements techniques that are commonly used in geophysics and their applications in geodynamics and for solving various geophysical problems.
A large component of this course is a research project that involves InSAR processing of an area of choice.
ErSE 217 - Seismotectonics
This is also an optional course within the ErSE program. Among topics in this course are continuum mechanics, rheology, fracture and fault mechanics, moment tensors, earthquake triggering, etc. Some semesters we have also had
a 4-day fieldtrip to a remote location in Saudi Arabia to study and measure recent surface fractures.
ErSE 253 – Data Analysis in Geosciences
This course is one of the core courses within the ErSE M.S. program at KAUST and it primarily focuses on Geostatistics and time series analysis.
ErSE 390 – Special Topics in Earth Science - Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in Earth Sciences
In this course students learn about the fundamentals of InSAR imaging and data processing and will gain practical experience in InSAR data processing, analysis and interpretation.
Enrolled students can access course material through KAUST's Blackboard via