Hannes Vasyura-Bathke


​Now at University of Potsdam​


Research Interests

My research interests range from the methods of processing of SAR data, to the modeling of the extracted displacement signal to investigate crustal deformation processes. During my PostDoc I am working on the combination of various datasets, especially seismic and geodetic data, to produce realistic earthquake 
slip models by using numeric modeling.

Selected Publications

  • Bathke, H., Sudhaus, H., Holohan, E., Walter, T. R. and Shirzaei, M.: 2013, An active ring fault detected at Tendürek volcano by using InSAR, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 118(8), 4488–4502.
  • Bathke, H., Shirzaei, M. and Walter, T. R.: 2011, Inflation and deflation at the steep-sided Llaima stratovolcano (Chile) detected by using InSAR, GeophysicalResearch Letters 38(10), 1–5.


  • ​Ph.D. in Geophysics, GFZ Potsdam, Germany, 2014
  • Diploma in Geophysics, University of Potsdam, Germany, 2010