Ayrat Abdullin


Now at Tatneft, Almetyevsk, Russia


Research Interests

During my PhD studies, I am going to focus on combining InSAR satellite data and reservoir modeling techniques to evaluate oil & gas reservoir subsidence and pressure changes.

Selected Publications

  • Abdullin, A.K.,2010, Application of well-log data analysis for assessment of porosity types of a carbonate reservoir (example of the Onbiyskoye oilfield in the southeast of Tatarstan, Russia), B.S. Thesis, Kazan State University, 80 p.
  • Abdullin, A.K.,2012, Geophysical constraints on the flexural subsidence of the Denver Basin, M.S. Thesis, Colorado State University, 80 p.


  • M.S. Geosciences, Colorado State University, USA, 2012
  • B.S. Geophysics, Kazan State University, Russia, 2010